Reviews and Customer Testimonials

I have used them in all of the homes I have had. Ralph is amazing at getting out any stains. I have a dog that likes to barf under the dining room table and he got out all stains. They are on time and their name says it all totally RELIABLE! Beautiful job as always. I cannot say enough about what a great company this.

— Donna M

McHenry, IL

We've used Reliable Maintenance for years because of their honesty, price and professionalism. They've always done a great job for us by removing tough stains (even on worn carpeting). We've hired other carpet cleaners in the past and never rehired them due to poor customer service (not pre-treating the tough stain areas in advance and not caring enough to get the carpet stains out). We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Reliable Maintenance for all your carpet cleaning needs. They did a great job cleaning the fabric on our couch as well!

— Kim B.

Old Mill Creek, IL

I have had Reliable clean the same carpeting for 21 years. Seventeen of those years I owned a dog. There are no stains that one can see. I am so pleased with this company and the hard-working and efficient people who are the technicians. I highly recommend Reliable Maintenance to anyone.

— Donna Erwin


We found Reliable Maintenance to live up to their name. We’ve used them for both our home and office. They do an outstanding job cleaning our carpets. They arrive on time, are very courteous, and are very careful. We plan to use their services for years to come.

— McHenry Dental Center

McHenry, IL

Had to take the minute to thank you for the wonderful job that Ralph did at our house yesterday. Chuck and I are very satisfied. Ralph also cleaned 2-3 entrance rugs. We have had workers in our house for 10 days for upstairs remodeling & we have had quite a few problems (our home looked like a war zone). I have used [other cleaning services] for years with okay results, but we have found a new carpet cleaning business in Reliable Maintanance. I will be sure to send referrals as Chuck and I are insurance agents… and we always want to keep our insured’s happy.

— Charles V Lewandowski Agency


The carpeting looks like brand new again! With several active dogs in the house, our carpets get alot of dirt! Thanks for cleaning them so well for over 12 years. We always use your firm because we get such good results.

— Fosters Training Center

Antioch, IL

We have been using Reliable Maintenance for close to 20 years!! Reason being… friendly, family-owned, hard working, trustworthy and competetively priced!!

— Jeannine Budreck

Trout Valley, IL
Spike Bucks

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